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Physicians train in medical school and residency during their peak child bearing and young child rearing years.
What if we could make the return-to-work easier for new parents during residency training?
I did some serious rage tweeting in 2020. It was a dark time.
But a year later, I repurposed that energy and found myself on a misinformation journey.
I was never taught the basics of LGBTQ+ health in medical school.
Neither were the vast majority of my brilliant, compassionate, and dedicated faculty peers at one of the top medical schools in the world.
In March 2020, the initial response to the COVID-19 crisis included a worldwide celebration of healthcare workers.
Would it surprise you to know that some of those same healthcare workers were the victims of violence in American emergency departments just one month earlier?
Patients who are discharged from the emergency department come in several varieties.
There are those who fill their prescriptions… and those who don’t. There are those who keep their follow-up appointments… and those who don’t.
And then, there are those patients who want to fill their prescriptions and keep their follow-up appointments… and they can’t.
Can you predict which patients are which?
There is clinical teaching… and then there’s bedside teaching. Some of our very best clinical teachers rarely go to the bedside with their learners, a trend that has worsened over the past two decades. Why? And how do we get our clinical teams back to the bedside?