Feedback is a struggle. We struggle with the timing, the delivery, the content, and even the goal of feedback itself. The Feedback Formula is a very helpful approach to providing feedback that addresses these challenges while preserving the working relationships of trainees and their supervisors.
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In April 2018, we held a Wellness Retreat for the emergency medicine residents at Stanford University. One half-day of the retreat was dedicated to the topic of feedback.
Why feedback at a wellness retreat?
As Lisa Stefanac of KSE Leadership taught us, “Feedback is about relationship building, not simply about performance improvement.” A safe and healthy learning environment stems from the professional relationships of medical educators and their trainees.
The Feedback Formula is a 6-Step framework for providing actionable feedback through the lens of building relationships. Read more about the use of The Feedback Formula in “The Feedback Formula: Part 1, Giving Feedback” on International Clinician Educators’ Blog.
March 11, 2019
Co-Author: Lisa Stefanac, KSE Leadership, San Francisco, CA